Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Leo

Our February Full Moon in Leo is the Opening of a Gateway.
Leo represents the Sun adding extra power to our life giver, the Sun sitting in Aquarius.
Since Full Moons are always an emotional time we can expect to feel more emotionally open, but we have the buffering agent of the kindness of Leo.
When we take this Full Moon energy coupled with Venus in hasty Aries, the Jupiter retrograde in Libra, and Mercury in Aquarius we can expect our relationships to come under scrutiny.
All this astral energy will certainly pet your peeves so it is necessary to keep the peeves from becoming mountain peaks.
We will be pushed to clean our lives of whatever has been holding us down for the last several months. It's time to be brutally honest with ourselves, about what is real, about what is working, about what is not working.
At some level everyone will be feeling moody and maybe more entitled to their moodiness than everyone else, after all Leo knows its motives 'pure'.
The Lunar Eclipse at 8° Leo coupled with all the internal energy previously mentioned sets the stage for rebirthing and resetting our lives with joy, creativity and success.
In addition, the Lunar Eclipse allows us to use this energy to rebirth until the August 7 Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. Don't wait, however; take action while the energy is strong.
Do the inner work; manage the outer expression of emotions. Don't use Leo to stalk your prey and strike, no matter how truthful you believe your words to be.
Speak your truth only after you give it some thought, choose your words carefully and allow yourself to be reborn.